A Semi-Homemade Ladies’ Lunch

We’ve all been there: you’re having pals over for lunch, but a fully homemade spread is simply not in the cards. There is no shame in the store-bought game, but if you’d like serve something that’s a cut above takeout, here’s what you do:

  • Buy a few pints of your favorite Southern Lady Salad (I’m partial to the chicken tarragon from The Food Company and egg salad from The Picnic) and some squishy rolls or biscuits.

  • Split each bun, spread with your Southern Lady Salad of choice, and then gussy them up with fresh herbs & seasonings you have on hand, like:

    • chicken + currants + chopped parsley

    • chicken + tarragon + slivered amonds

    • egg salad + fresh dill + piment d’espelette

  • Finish with a sprinkle of Maldon (from your bucket, duh!) and embrace being the semi-homemade queen you are.


ASAP Cocktail Station